Posts Tagged ‘pregnancy’
Spreading a little Sunshine
I’ve been nominated for a Sunshine Award by My Hope Jar. I really appreciate the nomination. I keep seeing the other blogs posting various awards, and I wasn’t sure if I would have the chance to get one. I’m really appreciative that I do have a chance to share the sunshine. Considering the dark place…
Read More8 week update
Friday was eight weeks since my LMP. According to my apps, baby is the size of a raspberry or Jelly Bean. According to my ultrasound this week baby is 16.8 mm (or was on Wednesday). Something I read suggested that baby is growing about a millimetre a day at the moment, so by today…
Read MoreFirst Antenatal Appointment Ever!
Today was my first doctor’s appointment with Dr P for this pregnancy. It was also my first antenatal appointment ever! With my previous pregnancies I only ever got to the doctor after the miscarriages had already happened. Today was a lot of firsts! First time seeing an embryo in my uterus! Measuring 16.8 mm from…
Read More7 week Update
Yesterday was seven weeks since my LMP. According to my apps, baby is the size of a blueberry. For those that would like to see, this week’s photo is in the gallery above. How far along are you? 7 weeks 1 day today. What’s happening with the baby? Hands and feet are developing, as well…
Read MoreOur Milestones for the next few months
As I said in my 6 Week Update – here is a list of the milestones that we are going to set for ourselves for each step of the way. Heartbeat (We have never seen a heartbeat before. All my previous appointments have happened after my miscarriages) Celebratory Dinner Buy first Baby Outfit together. 9…
Read MoreSix week Update
Yesterday was six weeks since my LMP. According to my apps, baby is the size of a green pea. I thought I would do those update questions just to give me something to follow my journey with. We will start taking pics of me today, and will make that a weekly thing. I will post…
Read MoreMore Blood tests is the devil! On one hand it tells me that I am within reported range for both numbers and doubling times. On the other hand it the hand it tells me that I am within these ranges for twins and triplets! My hCg is up to 29978 today. I was hoping it would be…
Read MoreAfter the weekend
So we told both sets of parents this weekend and now I feel comfortable posting on my blog. I am no longer publicising my blog to Facebook or twitter, but I do want to share my journey with the people that I have come to share with in the blogosphere. I did on the other…
Read MoreFollow Up Bloods and more worry!
I got my follow up blood work results today. My hCg is up 34% after two days to 10763, my progesterone is down slightly (52.6), but still quite high for where I think I should be in this pregnancy. Dr P’s rooms are still saying that I’m 6 weeks gestation which is very confusing. That…
Read MoreDay 2 of Knowing
This post is going to be rambling, and very stream of consciousness. I don’t know how else to get everything out, as we haven’t told anyone yet and B doesn’t seem ok with me talking about all the things I think about. I also don’t want to stress him out any more than he is…
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