I am currently 2 days late for my period. My breasts are tender and I just feel pregnant. I know it’s too early to even do a home pregnancy test, but I’m about 80% sure. Only B knows at this point, and all he really knows is that I’m late and excited!
My plan is to do the home pregnancy test on Friday morning.
I have so many things going through my mind at the moment relating to this. My parents are preparing to leave for a work contract in Canada at the end of July. The plan is for them to be away anything from 1 to 5 years. I don’t know when to tell them. If I am correct about the pregnancy I should have my first scan before they leave, and I would really love for my mom to be there for that. I know I am going to really struggle with not having her there for the whole process. I also don’t want to jeopardise this opportunity for them to experience another country. I want to share my excitement with them, but I also don’t want them changing their minds because of the pregnancy.
The fact that we are already living in their house, makes it all the more important that they actually go. B wouldn’t stay here if they weren’t going overseas, and so we would probably have to look at moving before the baby came on top of everything else if my parents decided to stay in South Africa. I don’t want that. I like this house and I would like for us to live here for a while so that we can save up to build our dream house.
I am very lucky in that I get on very well with my in-laws. B’s folks are much older than my parents, but are as active and would be super excited about us having a baby. They also live fairly far away, but if my folks were overseas they would probably come down for an extended stay with us in the granny flat. Even if they both didn’t come, at least Judy would.
B’s brother and sister-in-law have 2 kids – Emma-Lee is almost 4.5 and Dean is 1,5. I’m sure she would love to be involved with giving me any assistance she can. My best friend Lisa has 2 kids too – Erin is almost 3 and Cullen is almost 5. B’s colleague has a 4 month old, and we are good friends with him and his wife. So I will have plenty of friends around me to help with advice etc, but most women I know still want their own Mommy around for their first pregnancy.
Oh well, lots of things to think about. Lots of decisions to make, but none of them can really be done before I get that second line! So watch this space.