Week 9 – 10 Update & Some pics of my holiday

According to my apps, baby is the size of a prune or a green olive. Someone somewhere must grow really big green olives! How far along are you? Today I am 10 weeks and 2 days. What’s happening with the baby? Baby is now termed a foetus! Total weight gain? Weirdly I’ve lost more weight, down 0.7 kg…

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8 week update

Friday was eight weeks since my LMP. According to my apps, baby is the size of a raspberry or Jelly Bean.     According to my ultrasound this week baby is 16.8 mm (or was on Wednesday). Something I read suggested that baby is growing about a millimetre a day at the moment, so by today…

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Six week Update

Yesterday was six weeks since my LMP. According to my apps, baby is the size of a green pea. I thought I would do those update questions just to give me something to follow my journey with. We will start taking pics of me today, and will make that a weekly thing. I will post…

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