First Antenatal Appointment Ever!

Today was my first doctor’s appointment with Dr P for this pregnancy. It was also my first antenatal appointment ever! With my previous pregnancies I only ever got to the doctor after the miscarriages had already happened. Today was a lot of firsts! First time seeing an embryo in my uterus! Measuring 16.8 mm from…

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7 week Update

Yesterday was seven weeks since my LMP. According to my apps, baby is the size of a blueberry. For those that would like to see, this week’s photo is in the gallery above. How far along are you? 7 weeks 1 day today. What’s happening with the baby? Hands and feet are developing, as well…

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Our Milestones for the next few months

As I said in my 6 Week Update – here is a list of the milestones that we are going to set for ourselves for each step of the way. Heartbeat (We have never seen a heartbeat before. All my previous appointments have happened after my miscarriages) Celebratory Dinner Buy first Baby Outfit together. 9…

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